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Laser Tattoo Removal

Home Aesthetic Dermatology

Laser Tattoo Removal

What is Laser Tattoo Removal?

Lasers tattoo removal is a procedure to remove an unwanted tattoo by removing the permanent ink from the skin which has been used to create the tattoo. Normally, our immune system works to remove any foreign particle from the body; but the ink particles used in permanent tattooing are too big for the immune system to remove, thus making them permanent.

Lasers are focused beams of light when directed on the tattoo, heats up the ink particles to break them down into smaller particles which are easily removed by the immune system.

What are Reasons for Tattoo Removal?
  • You don't like your tattoo any more.
  • Your job doesn't allow any visible tattoos.
  • Your tattoo reminds of someone or something that has a negative impact on your life.

Why choose Laser Tattoo Removal at Zoe?

  • Painless removal of unwanted tattoos.
  • Noninvasive quick procedure.
  • USFDA approved most powerful and technologically advanced QSwitch ND:Yag Laser used.
  • Procedure performed by expert and highly experienced dermatologists and aesthetic plastic surgeons.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Usually 4-6 sessions are required and depending on the density and depth of the pigment in the tattoo may even require 12 sessions.

Tattoos made of black and blue ink respond well to laser treatment and may very satisfactory results with 100% success, except leaving a ghost image which can readily be removed by laser resurfacing. Some colours like red and green are more resistant to laser treatment and in some cases pigment is too deep for lasers to reach not achieving 100% results.

With the cutting edge latest technology used at Zoe highly experienced medical professionals side effects are transient which includes redness, swelling & rarely blisters. Permanent side effects are very rare and may include scars and pigmentation changes.

  • Dermaabrasion : It's a surgical procedure to remove the outer layer of the skin that has the tattoo ink. It is done under local or general anaesthesia. The procedure causes an open wound that heals leaving a scar.
  • Chemical Peels : Chemical peels like TCA peel can be applied but with varying and unsatisfactory results.
  • Surgical Excision : Leaves a surgical scar post excision and is not effective for larger tattoos.
  • Tattoo Removal Creams : Available creams are not effective and can cause irritation or damage to your skin.